Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Symposiun declared great success!

We talked about what we hope to get out of the group, and had presentations from Leora Morris and Daniel Feilchenfeld. Those of you unable to attend last evening missed a great night.
Greek Warriors - Image 4

The next get-together has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, February 8th; be sure to pencil it in!


  1. Erika, this is so great - thank you! Can't wait to hear about how you did it. ;)

  2. You guys, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for offering your voices and attention and words last night. It was really valuable for me to hear this thing that has until now only existed in my head ... upon reviewing your notes, and reflecting, I have a pretty clear sense of how the arts group could be useful to me as I develop this baby.

    I was thinking this group would be a good excuse to remember how to play the clarinet. Does someone who plays the piano or guitar want to play an instrumental duet with me next time, so I am motivated to re-learn my woodwind?
